

Adding a new tradition to the Ciolek Family Kitchen! In addition to the usual Polish versions of sauerkraut and potato pierogies made around Christmas each year, we decided to try a Polish-Korean Fusion vegan friendly style. Joey came up with an amazing filling and Jiji added the traditional soy-sesame-vinegar-gochugaru dipping sauce. Outstanding!

– Two 18 oz firm tofu packs (drained, pressed, and crumbled)

– One head of fully fermented kimchi cabbage (Finely diced)

–  Two small onions (finely diced)

– One bunch green onion (finely diced)

– 12 oz king oyster mushroom (finely diced)

– Sempio Soy sauce (to taste)

– Korean sea salt (to taste)

– Red miso paste (heaping tablespoon)

– Gochujang (heaping tablespoon)

– Sesame oil (two tablespoons/to preference for frying)

1. Finely dice kimchi, finely dice or food process onion, green onion, oyster mushroom  – Add all to large bowl and mix together

2. Add sesame oil to frying pan on medium-medium high heat, once sesame oil is fragrant, add kimchi/veggie mix to pan. Salt to taste. Fry for 5-7 mins, until water has fully evaporated, browning has started

3. Mix red miso paste and gochujang with one tablespoon water in separate bowl, then add and mix into pan.

4. Add crumbled tofu to pan, add soy sauce to taste, mix well

5. fry, while stirring/mixing occasionally, until water has evaporated from tofu (10-15 mins?). Mixture should be springy, but not too dry, enough to stick together as a pierogie filling.

6. Put mixture into bowl, cover bowl and put in freezer until cool enough to fill pierogie

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