Asian Stirfry in Fractions

Asian Stirfry in Fractions

Tried a new workflow for stir fry that worked well tonight… I separately cooked the mushrooms/onions/peppers from the root/stem/stalk veggies that needed softening separate from the leafy greens.  They ideally all need a different  treatment in the wok, and take on different flavors when cooked separately than if cooked together.  With this method, you can
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Garden Fresh Spaghetti Sauce

Garden Fresh Spaghetti Sauce

Adapted from my favorite source Serious Eats, this is how CFK makes a multi-layered sauce from garden produce. Tomatoes, garlic, peppers, oregano, onions and basil were all in abundance in 2020 at the split gardens between Powell and Cardington. So ya gotta make the sauce… 22.5 lbs of fresh tomatoes, cored and made into diced
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Crunchy Pickles

Crunchy Pickles
Comments: 1

So there is some important chemistry to consider when pickling sliced cucumbers. Pectin is a fiber substance in almost all veggies and fruits that helps to hold their cellular structure together. The rub is that pectin, when left to its own devices and exposed to the wrong temps and pH degrades pretty damn fast once
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Sunset Yoga on Dunedin Causeway

Sunset Yoga on Dunedin Causeway

Background music from Alexi Murdoch is Something Beautiful, which certainly doesn’t represent my yoga form or balance per the evidence in the link below. But I found the lead in story to this clip interesting enough to share… After a day of scurrying around taking care of business (while on my “vacation”) from the minute
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I had the opportunity to invite a German colleague of mine for a simple dinner this week. And as he gifted me with a bottle of the excellent 2018 vintage red wine from his family vineyards in Germany, I felt the urge to return the favor with some authentic Bauernbrot (farmers bread) or Dinkelbrot (spelt
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Turkish Wheat Surprise

Turkish Wheat Surprise

I found some short grain Turkish whole wheat berries in the grains pantry and decided to pressure cook it as a side for a soup dinner. The directions on the bag said to boil it in 4x water for about 20 minutes and drain — which sounded completely ludicrous to me. Who would want to
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All-Grain Sweet Potato Chia Waffles (WFPB)

All-Grain Sweet Potato Chia Waffles (WFPB)

Shout out to Alton Brown for the base recipe here that I modified to make it more WFPB friendly: This version replaces the white flour with a home ground blend of organic hard red winter wheat, spelt and Ohio grown soft white wheat (2:1:1). The egg whites are replaced by ground chia seed gel
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